The Kali Family with Special Reference To The Relationship of Remedies
This book is an outcome of extensive work done by Dr. Ajit Kulkarni. The book gives a totalistic way of dealing with the Kali Family and can be regarded as a trend – setter for all those who are interested in working on the group study of materia medica. This book is presented in 12 sections viz.

- Relationship of Remedies:
Relational Database.
The value of Relationship.
Understanding Types of Relations.
25 Relations described with graphs and examples.
- Reflections and Ramifications of Group study of Materia Medica:
Group: Definition.
Objectives of Group Study.
Demerits of Group Study.
- ‘Mind’ in Kali family:
Evolution: Transitional phases.
Kali Structure.
- Potassium : Introduction.
- Clinico-physico-patho and miasmatic co-relations.
- Kali group characters.
- Kali Essence.
- Kali Relations:
Thematic Relations viz. anxiety, anger, conscience, work etc.
Inter Kali Relations.
Individual Kali Relations.
- Neucleus of Individual Kali Remedies.
- ˜Body Language”in Kali Remedies.
- Clinical cases.
- Conclusion.
The whole work is based on chiefly the relations that are shared with other remedies in materia medica.
Dr. Ajit Kulkarni bases the relations on basic emotions and some central themes and connects them in a convincing manner. This book of 130 pages makes an interesting journey to travel in the vast ocean of materia medica.
The book has been recommended by University of Pune for post- graduate (M.D.) courses in Homoeopathy.
This book is also available in Russian language.
Kулкарни Аджит. «Группа препаратов Калия с особым разделом о взаимоотношении лекарств» (первое издание на русском яз.), 144 с., м. обл. 2006 г. Подробнее >>
Освещаются вопросы сущности группы Калия, ядро препаратов Калия, язык телодвижений препаратов Калия, взаимоотношения препаратов. Клинические случаи отражают разнообразную картину группы калиевых лекарств.
Цена 270 руб